Sunday, March 29, 2020

BrainFuse, an Online Tutoring Program, Helps People

BrainFuse, an Online Tutoring Program, Helps PeopleOne way to spend time and play online while helping someone is through BrainFuse HelpNow Live Online. The company has partnered with the SCSLS Saline County Library in California to provide tutoring to residents in the community.The company says that this technology will allow users to stay at home and still have the unique educational advantages. For instance, they can watch videos on their computers and engage in discussions with fellow tutors who are based outside of the United States. This helps students to learn while having fun.'This is an education assistance program meant to help and motivate those in need of furthering their education,' said Patrick Arnold, a customer support associate for BrainFuse HelpNow Live Online. The company says that many of its users find themselves in the midst of a crisis or needing assistance in a number of areas. They are able to contact others who are able to offer advice on a wide range of sub jects. For example, this could include math tutors, grammar tutors and computer tutors.The tutors operate via Skype-to-Skype and offer services like online dictionaries, flashcards, homework help and other activities meant to get students back on track. 'There are tutors that are willing to meet the needs of these students to help them achieve success in all areas of their lives,' Arnold said. For instance, people who might need to take a science test might want to speak with a tutor on Skype.There are other tutors available, too, for students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 and even high school students. 'Students often have a hard time focusing at home and being able to focus on everything, whether it's online or offline,' said Maureen Watson, the computer services manager for the SCSLS. 'We're not talking about having an issue with the technology of course, but having a time when the technology isn't working properly is a huge problem.'The problem is often time and the diffi culty many adults have dealt with technology. The company is currently working on several methods of working with technology. For instance, they have created a mobile application that works with cell phones, tablets and laptops. They call this 'iCurb' and it gives students an opportunity to make and take notes.With that said, BrainFuse has also partnered with several different companies to allow users to have access to their technology. This includes popular whiteboard software from Pecan Lane. Teachers can also sign up for online quizzes and skills tests as well as support in social media.BrainFuse is an online tutoring program that allows tutors to make money while providing help to people in need. The company offers tutoring at no cost to those who want it. It has partnered with the SCSLS in Saline County, so that students have access to all kinds of resources that will help them in all areas of their lives.

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